Sunday, September 7, 2008

Tool sharpening

I have signed up to retake a lathe tool sharpening class. The first time I took this class I was too new to the hobby and I didn't ask many questions that I should have asked. I am retaking the class with a little more experience and the knowledge that I need to get some questions answered so that I sharpen my lathe tools correctly.

I knew that I needed to retake this class when someone looked at a parting tool that I had "sharpened" and exclaimed a little too loudly and a little too publicly, "This is the poorest sharpened tool I have ever seen. It is TOTALLY wrong!" Well, I now know how to sharpen a parting tool correctly. I need to learn enough in this sharpening class to feel as ready to sharpen some of the other tools, like a skew and some of the miniature tools that I have.

I have a Wolverine Sharpening System with a slow speed grinder. I have found a web site that appears to explain how to use the system's various attachments. Now I just need the class.

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