Monday, October 12, 2009

Cedar Lakes - a turning class of one

Mary Lou and I are at Cedar Lakes Conference Center in Ripley, WV, for Zapora's Quilting Conference. There are several hundred women here from all over the United States (although half of them are from Ohio). They are all in four days of classes which are scattered in every nook and cranny around this campus.

Well, every nook and cranny except for the wood room in the Craft House. That is full of wood working machinery including several wood lathes. The Coordinator of the Craft Center Services graciously allowed me to bring my wood turning tools and supplies along with two boxes of wood blanks and entertain myself during the day while Mary Lou and the other quilters did their thing.

Each morning and afternoon I am going to the wood room and having the greatest time. My first day I turned a walnut bowl with inlaid copper wire accent, a maple mallet which I promptly began using in my turning, and a maple honey dipper.

I am using a Jet lathe which is much heavier and more powerful than the Delta lathe I have at home. It is a real treat. The entire body of this lathe is cast iron, the motor is 1 1/2 horse power, and it has the capacity to turn a 14" round vessel. None of the projects I brought will tax this lathe.

Here is a short video showing some of Cedar Lakes:

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