I finally did it! After a lot of talk and little action, I hired movers for the large equipment and moved almost everything from my basement shop in Wooster to my ground-level garage shop at the lake. I had resisted this final step due to concerns for the safety of the machines and the costs of the move. A lot of mental resistance to a step that needed to be made.
Last Thursday, two young men from Reed Warehouse, arrived with a large moving van to take the drill press, bandsaw, jointer,

planer, chop saw, workbench, a lot of small tools, a large pile of wood, and an old chopping block. From their slight physical appearance you wouldn't describe these young men as well-built. However, I had to marvel at their strength as they hefted the floor-model drill press up a flight of stairs. They impressed me with their strength and ability to handle the machines without causing damage. They lifted and toted all the equipment and supplies - every one of their grunts and groans helping me feel easier about the cost of the move. That was Thursday morning.
By noon on Thursday the equipment had been delivered, the van had returned to Wooster, and I was overwhelmed: I had a garage full of machinery with nothing in its final place. I had a thousand decisions to make so that I could clean, move, and try to organize. What an awful mess. There was no room in the garage for a car, let alone two ( I am blessed with what amounts to a four car garage).

The top picture shows the placement of the drill press to the left of the workbench. Out in front of that bench is a work table. Right now both are cluttered with small items that need to find a home in the cabinets and drawers of the workbench. To the right of the workbench across the back wall (but out of the picture) is the bandsaw, router table, and another work table for small machines.
The second picture shows the center island, table saw, jointer, dust collector and wood scrap can. Behind that equipment is the wood storage rack, dust collector, chop saw cart, and radial arm saw. Still out in the middle of the garage are a lot of orphans yet to find a home, mortiser, spindle sander, disc sander, Workmate, etc. This partial organization is the result of a day and a half of working (more accurately described as flitting from one thing to another). What fun this weekend has been!
I'll take better pictures and write an update as I make more progress.
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